Friday, July 30, 2010


First of all we must understand that the picture above is not badminton. It is actually a shuttlecock which was used as a projectile in the sport of badminton. " Oh I get it, badminton is a sport rite? " Yes !! badminton is a sport !! " I understand now but eh, don't tell me a fat guy like you can play badminton ? " " CILAKAK you ".

Since couple of month ago, our beloved Genggon members have started a new adventures in the land of sports. Slowly it become more addictive than we thought. But hell, sports is good for our health right?

Well, Im not here to bored everyone to death with the history of badminton. The reason for this post are to spread the news about our latest activities to all genggonians with hope they will join us in the future badminton war. To the none genggon , you are welcome to. Dont worry, it doesnt cost that much. If you stay around the Ipoh area, simply call us to join.

I hereby, strongly recommended badminton to be a must activites held at least once a week.
By the way, I beat Nan in the recent badminton match. He is amazingly carok eight.

Born 82

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reminiscence Part 3

A Manjoinian genggonic. With Meor 'Viewtifull Joe' Suhaimi . He may look tough but deep inside he is fragile.. HahAh

Arakian 10

Musim perubahan telah tiba. Aktiviti-aktiviti liar amnya Dota, semakin sukar dijalankan memandangkan kekurangan ahli anggota kelab. Bobo telah melanjutkan pelajarannya ke peringkat sarjana di Malaysia France Institute ( MFI ). En Salril yakni Tutek pula telah mengikut jejak abang kesayangannya Kidi. Syabas En Tutek kerana berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke alam pekerjaan.

Tinggallah kami yang masih cuba untuk berubah. Agak membosankan keadaan ini tetapi aku dan yang lain lain harus membiasakan diri. Harus berubah ke arah kebaikan !!
Ramadhan semakin hampir. Aku dan Usin Tiger merancang untuk berniaga sempena bulan Puasa ini. Cadangnya kami hendak tumpang tapak Nan tetapi Nan pula telah ke Shah Alam. Jadinya kami pun tidak dapat membuat keputusan lagi. Cuma aku berharap projek ini dapat diteruskan.

Gila , lama tidak menaip ni.. otak terasa beku... Banyak lagi untuk diperkatakan cuma masa tidak mengizinkan..
